Concordia Consultancy Ltd - Company News

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12th August 2010 Concordia at Cowes Week 2010
See our review and some images from Cowes Week 2010 Click for details
7th July 2010 Concordia's New Associate in Peru
We are pleased to welcome the long established firm of W.Moller. Click for details
16th June 2010 Gulf of Mexico - Oil Contamination
Offering combined expertise Click for details
9th June 2010 Malaysia - Energy Adjusting
With our Associate in Malaysia.... Click for details
9th June 2010 Thailand - Civil Unrest
Concordia's Associate in Thailand.... Click for details
19th May 2010 Concordia Dissertation Prize
Anton Kossack from Swansea University is awarded the Concordia Dissertation Prize Click for details
4th May 2010 New Appointment - Sam Koh
Concordia is pleased to announce the appointment of Sam Koh as Managing Director of our Singapore Office. Click for details
3rd April 2010 New Appointment
Concordia welcomes Ed Hillier as a Senior Consultant Click for details
25th March 2010 Chile Earthquake Consortium
Concordia Chile Consortium formation Click for details
1st March 2010 Vertical Rush
Concordia took part in this year's Vertical Rush at Tower 42. Click for details

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