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14th April 2020 In these challenging times for policyholders, brokers and insurers, we discuss whether there is cover for Business Interruption caused by “invisible” damage to property.
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18th March 2020 Will extended cover deliver adequate payments for Business Interruption given the reduced income expectations resulting from widespread loss of demand ?
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17th March 2020 Concordia Consultancy - Business as usual: Coronavirus
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28th February 2020 Coronavirus: Concordia provides an update following the virus outbreak in Northern Italy
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24th February 2020 Concordia provides an update on Coronavirus as rapid spread increases global pandemic concerns
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10th February 2020 Philippines based Senon Adjusters joins the Concordia Global Network
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29th January 2020 Graham Purdon - Group Technical Director and MD of Concordia’s Singapore office provides his views on the virus affecting many people, businesses and countries
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17th January 2020 Concordia welcomes Viviana Scutteri as an Assistant Consultant
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14th January 2020 Climate Change 2020 - Paul May, Concordia’s Chairman presents a concise review and forecast for the Institute of Risk Management.
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6th January 2020 Concordia Consultancy (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd assisting with claims arising following extreme flooding in Jakarta
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