Concordia Consultancy welcomes a new Specialist Associate in Ghana.

10th March 2016

Ghana Africa

Image Source: lahistoriaconmapas

Concordia’s Managing Director of Loss Adjusting, Ian Woodhead attended a recent visit to Accra, Ghana, where he was able to complete the Agreement with our new Specialist Associate Alex Aryeetey. (Pictured Below)

IGW and Ayreety

Aryeetey & Associates, Chartered Accountants are able provide a range of support services to Concordia and our growing operations in Africa.

We look forward to working together and combining our extensive expertise in order to provide services in the region and on a global front. 

For further information or assistance, please contact:

Ben Carroll, Managing Director, Concordia Global Network Ltd


Telephone: +44 (0) 7850 709 935


Ian Woodhead, Managing Director, Concordia Chartered Loss Adjusters Ltd


Telephone: +44 (0) 7513 044 514

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