Concordia is pleased to announce the appointment of Ian Woodhead as Managing Director of Concordia Chartered Loss Adjusters Ltd

17th July 2015

Ian Woodhead Image

Concordia is pleased to announce the appointment of Ian Woodhead as Managing Director of Concordia Chartered Loss Adjusters Ltd.

Ian has over 30 years’ of experience practicing as a loss adjuster. He specialises in major property losses and business interruption.

Bringing a wealth of knowledge to the company, Ian is also the Leader of Concordia’s Property Practice involved with losses on a UK and international basis.

Ian is as a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters, a European Loss Adjusting Expert, a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute and a Member of the Institute of Leadership and Management.


Please contact Ian Woodhead at:


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