Concordia welcomes PT Pramayasa Vaisha Adjuster as the Concordia Global Network Associate in Indonesia

24th March 2014

Operating from Jakarta, Pramayasa Vaisha Adjuster are a loss adjusting company approved by the Indonesia Insurance Regulatory Commission with many years of experience in risk and loss adjusting.


[From the left: Spencer Clark, Putu Artayasa and Sam Koh]

The Directors of Pramayasa Vaisha Adjuster and Concordia Consultancy look forward to working together and combining their extensive expertise in order to provide services together on a global front, particularly in the energy, marine, engineering and property sectors.

For further information or assistance please contact:

Ben Carroll, Operations Manager for Concordia Global Network Ltd on

Sam Koh, Managing Director, Concordia Consultancy Asia Pacific Pte Ltd on

Information on Concordia's Global Network can be found here.

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