James Gee, our Marine Practice Leader presents at the National Insurance Congress, Colombo, Sri Lanka
2nd December 2013
Concordia Consultancy Ltd are proud to announce that their Marine Practice Leader, James Gee, Cert CII, Cert CILA, was invited to speak at the National Insurance Congress 2013 in Colombo, Sri Lanka on Energy Insurance, Claims and Risk Issues.
The event was sponsored by the Sri Lanka Insurance Institute and Munich Re, attended by 540 delegates from the Sri Lanka Insurance Market and held at the Cinnamon Grand Hotel on the 21st November 2013.
James provided an overview of the offshore energy challenges which Sri Lanka may experience in the future.
To view the presentations please see click play on the videos below.
IFAA Presentation 2013 - Energy Services from Concordia Consultancy Ltd on Vimeo.
IFAA 2013 Energy Presentation in Sri Lanka from Concordia Consultancy Ltd on Vimeo.