Concordia presents ‘Corporate Risk’ Prize to winner Tolulope Adesanya

20th April 2011

Tolulope attended Concordia's office on Wednesday 13th April 2011, whereupon he was presented with his prize by Deputy CEO, Spencer Clark.


Tolu studied the MA in Risk Management at Nottingham University’s Centre of Risk and Insurance Studies and his dissertation was entitled  "Evidence of the Existence of Enterprise Risk Management In Non-Financial Industries: The Case of Shell Nigeria Ltd and ChevronTexaco Nigeria Ltd". The Concordia Prize is awarded to the best overall student at Nottingham Business School for the MA Corporate Risk Module.

Picture of Tolulope on right being presented with the prize certificate by Spencer Clark.

Concordia continually progresses with supporting Academic insitutions and courses by awarding Prizes to outstanding students. For more information please visit our Academic Support page.

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